Dried Hemp 500g

(2 customer reviews)

Hemp drought (only from flowers) harvested by hand, dried by natural methods from Polish crops without GMOs and plant protection products. Hand-rubbed into a 2-4mm fraction. Laboratory tested. Contains a minimum of 1.5 CBD and less than 0.2 THC. It does not contain seeds and stems.




Hemp seed what is it?

Dried CBD, derived from mature female hemp plants, contains very high amounts of flavonoids, terpenes and cannabidiol. Contrary to current opinion, this product has nothing to do with marijuana. Under current Polish law, legal dried marijuana contains only trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is present in concentrations of up to 0.2%.

The dry is legally produced from plants whose cultivation is legal in both Poland and Europe. Hemp is widely used as animal feed and, but also as a material for oils, paints, clothing, biofuels and food. Marijuana, on the other hand, is produced from hemp seeds, the cultivation of which is a crime under Polish law.

Hemp seed – characteristics

Vaporization of dried hemp CBD would not be possible if it were not for hemp seed grown with due care. They are tall and very spreading shrubs with a stem that reaches up to 3 meters in length. It is characterized by monoeciousness and the possession of sessile flowers. Depending on the variety, they can be divided into monoecious and dioecious.

How does dried CBD work? Contrary to appearances, it does not cause a feeling of intoxication, so called. high. As a CBI receptor antagonist, cannabidiol speeds up the sobering process, helping to quickly get rid of the symptoms of drug abuse. CBD dries have antipsychotic and relaxing effects. It stimulates the body to use cannabinoid resources, thus reducing the level of perceived stress. In addition, with regular use, CBD also has anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. Waporyzacja jest skuteczna w łagodzeniu bólów głowy i mięśni, a także w skutecznym zwalczaniu bezsenności.

CBD hemp seed – frequently asked questions

What is dried hemp CBD?

In the simplest terms, it is nothing more than dried leaves and flowers of hemp seed. The dry contains an active substance that is responsible for the properties of this plant. THC content is within the limits set by Polish law.

What does dried hemp CBD help with?

It supports traditional and medical therapies for more than a dozen different ailments. It alleviates chronic pain, facilitates coping with stress, epilepsy, insomnia, but also has a positive effect on symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Which is better, oil or dried hemp CBD?

Both oil and dried hemp are effective, and its guaranteed by the active ingredient, CBD.

What is hemp CBD dried for?

CBD-based products are used to improve overall well-being and offset the symptoms of many diseases.

CBD hemp seed – does it work?

It has not been known for a long time that the effects of CBD are proven in antidepressant, sedative and anti-anxiety properties. Improves sleep quality and reduces tension

Is dried hemp CBD for 18 years or older?

The purchase of such products is available to any age group. Nevertheless, we must remember that it is not recommended, giving to children under 8 years of age.

Is dried hemp CBD legal?

Products with CBD are legal in Poland. They are manufactured from hemp seed, where THC does not exceed 0.2%.

Is dried hemp CBD addictive?

You can use hemp seed products without the slightest concern- CBD, unlike THC, is not addictive.

Where to buy good hemp CBD dried?

If quality and safety are most important to you, you need to let go of vending machines and preferably choose proven and specialized stores.

Where is the cheapest place to buy dried hemp CBD?

The lowest prices will get, of course, in online stores.

How to use hemp CBD dried?

The safest form is vaporization, which releases active substances that enter the lungs after heating the dried product. The body is not exposed to the substances in the smoke.

What kind of hemp CBD dry for sleep?

Any dried hemp product will effectively affect the quality of sleep. However, it is necessary to keep in mind its high product quality and proper application.

What kind of hemp CBD dry for neurosis?

In this case, it does not matter. The most important thing is that the product is safe and of good quality.

How to vaporize dried hemp CBD?

When starting your vaporization adventure, we recommend a temperature of 155 to 175 degrees, although the optimal temperature is 180. Below 150 it is difficult to get a good quality cloud.

How do you dose dried hemp CBD?

Intake should be started with smaller doses, and only over time should this amount be increased to satisfactory results. CBD cannot be overdosed and is a safe substance.

CBD dried – how much percentage of cannabidiol does it contain?

The concentration of CBD in our products is a minimum of 1.5%.